Monday, December 6, 2010

Boat Pollution

    Every time a boat runs, exhaust in the engine creates pollution harmful to sea life. Exhaust contributes harmful chemicals such as hydrocarbons, oxides of nitrogen, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.  Underwater exhaust directly emits these harmful chemicals and gasses into the ocean. Excess gasoline runoff from engines also creates pollution. 
    There are currently no Federal regulations limiting the amount of exhaust boats emit, but here are some ways boaters can help reduce their pollution to the ocean:
              -only turn your engine on all the way when needed
              -store gas in shaded areas, protected from the sun to eliminate air pollution
              -each year buy a new, or cleaner engine for your boat
              -limit operating your engine on full throttle
              -eliminate unnecessary idling
              -avoid spilling gasoline when fueling up
              -properly match engine horse power to vessel size