Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Invasive Species

Group: Fishes
Family: Characidae
Scientific Name:  Piaractus Brachypomus
Common Name: Pirapatinga, Red Bellied Pacu
Native Habbitat: Freshwater
The Piaractus Brachypomus have been reported to be found since 1988 in 41 different states.  Machado-Allison was the scientist who first revised the Pacus and give it its distinguishing characteristics.  Although, any of them found in U.S waters have been misidentified as the red piranha.  The Pacu will accept almost all food, but usually diets on ocean vegetation, therefore they pose no threat to other species, nor prey on them.  The first of this species was found on August 29, 1988 in Elk River, Limestone County, Alabama.  Since, they've been reported each year throughout the U.S.  Their native waters and source of distribution is South America: Amazon and Orinoco River Basins, and Argentina.
This photo shows the distribution of the Pacu throughout U.S waters.,Genus,Species,SubSpecies&submit2=Submit

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Oil Spills

Oil spills are sometimes accidents, but they are also the result of carelessness, equipment malfunction, terrorist activities, illegal dumpers, and natural disasters.  Oil spills affect almost all forms of sea-life.

Sea birds are one of the most affected animals by oil contamination.  A dime size drop of oil can kill a bird.  They are often poisoned by it through consumption, or unable to peen their feathers leading to hypothermia or hyperthermia.

Otters are covered by the oil, causing a buildup in their air bubbles and dangerously low body temperatures.

Whales die because the oil plugs up their blowhole.

Smaller ocean organisms are affected by oil as well.  Off-shore accidents are usually the cause of death for animals such as plankton, larva fish, and bottom dwelling organisms.  If oil reaches shorelines it affects sediments like sand and gravel causing erosion and contamination.  Contaminated sand and gravel become unable to protect and nurture vegetation and biomass.  Rocks and boulders coated with oil can interfere with recreational uses of shoreline. Commercial fishing can also be permanently effected by an oil spill.