Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Warming Ocean

    We’re not only hurting our ocean directly by dumping garbage into it, or killing animals by boat pollution or overfishing, but also indirectly by our everyday actions; our carbon footprint.  The release of our overused CO2 emissions cause global warming, as we all know, which is causing serious changes to our ocean.  Global warming causes a rise in ocean temperature, a rise in sea level, and a change in currents.  Entire species and ecosystems are at risk due to the increased temperatures and acidic buildup, as they are unable to adapt. For example in many parts of the ocean, coral is turning white and dying, and it’s blamed on the rise in temperature. 10% of the worlds coral has already been destroyed.



  1. Is there any way that the corals can re-grow themselves?

  2. Wow that is scary. some coral is home to most of the sea life. with out the coral what are they going to do for shelter? That is something we all need to think about.

  3. This affect on coral reefs is called coral reef bleaching and it's caused by the loss of symbiotic zooxantheallae which lives in the coral's tissues and synthesizes the colorful pigments.

  4. Yeah with the loss of coral, many other species that live in the coral won't have shelter and will decline in population as well. Is there anyway to protect the coral?

  5. Is the effect on the coral reversible? (As in can the bleached coral regain its color if the temperature decreases?)

  6. Is there a certain area in the ocean where this coral reef bleaching is taking place more often than in other places? If so, is there a way to make this area more aware of what they're doing to the ocean life?

  7. This is not good it says that the ocean is becoming acidic this would not be good for the animals. They said that they would have trouble creating shells which would cause certain animals to become extinct as well and ruin home to many sea animals. Have they thought of any idea on how to protect these animals?
